Farewell flight of 22 Kiowa Warrior helicopters fly over Tybee.

Hunter bids farewell to Kiowa Warriors Venerable helicopter being decommissioned By Randy C. Murray Staff writerrmurray@coastalcourier.com HUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD — The installation’s 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment is preparing to say farewell to an old friend, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. The Army is decommissioning the Kiowa after more than 40 years of service, mostly as a…

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Bike and pedestrian trail on Tybee to offer a "millionaire view".

Tybee cleared to construct new trail north of U.S. 80 Kelly Quimby/Savannah Morning News   By KELLY QUIMBY  SAVANNAH NOW Just off U.S. 80 on Tybee Island’s north end, an old railroad bed hides behind the overgrowth between the highway, the salt marsh and, further out, the Savannah River. Right now, the dirt path is used…

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