Why to vacation?

North American Precis Syndicate
(NAPSI)—Perhaps one of the best-kept secrets for staying happy and efficient at your job may be what you do outside office walls.
Why To Vacation
According to new research by the Society for Human Resource Management, employees who take regular vacations enjoy greater productivity, increased job satisfaction and higher organizational morale than those who don’t.
Despite such studies, not all working Americans have a positive attitude about taking a vacation. In fact, 61 percent of organizations report that their employees leave behind three or more unused vacation days a year. Taking full advantage of earned time off-as well as completely “unplugging” while away—may seem an odd way to get ahead but it can be a great gift to your employer and yourself.

Sit back and relax on Tybee beach.

Employees who take regular vacations enjoy greater productivity, increased job satisfaction and higher organizational morale than those who don’t.

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